Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jesus Feeds 4000

In an earlier post we looked at the story behind the miracle (semeion) of Jesus feeding the 5000, now lets look at the miracle of Him feeding the 4000. Lets pick it up at Mt. 15:34, And Jesus saith unto them, " How many loaves have ye?" And they said, "seven", and a few fishes. And He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and the fishes and gave thanks, and broke them, and gave to His disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full. And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.  The first thing that we notice is that the order of things is the same as the feeding the five thousand, they gave it to Jesus, He gave it back to them multiplied, it was done in order and notice too, that the multitude is at ease, sitting, resting, this is because a person dose not work for their salvation, it is a gift of God, Jesus did the work. So what does the difference mean? Well before it was 5 loaves, 2 fishes, 12 baskets, and 5000 fed, this time 7 loaves, a few fishes ( unspecified) 7 full baskets full, 4000 fed. Well if we understood the last sign (semeion) this one will be easy, again its a reference to us giving Jesus our ministry, Him blessing and multiplying it and a greater thing comes out of it. Here it is, the 7 loaves, 7 is Gods perfection, spiritual completeness, the resurrection, bread is still sustenance so its the sustaining power of Gods perfection operating in us spiritually, it's us growing up in Christ and in that maturity, doing the ministry that God has for us to do; notice a few fishes (an unspecified number) that is because each of us has a different call on our life, a different responsibilty to God, there is no quota to fill no predetermined quantity of work, except fulfilling what it is that God wants each of us to do individually. Seven baskets full, again a full basket refers to a product of Gods will, it is His will that this thing should happen, His perfection causing spiritually maturity, by the application of the resurrection. And 4000 will be fed,  4000 is the number of salvation of the world through the blood fo the Lamb!   AMEN!

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